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# Entity Type Relation Support Relative specificity
1 intracellular pH reduction Function Known Explain
2 Golgi-associated vesicle membrane Component Known Explain
3 voltage-gated anion channel activity Function Known Explain
4 regulation of anion transport Function Known Explain
5 Wall of Golgi cistern Component Known Explain
6 positive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascade Function Known Explain
7 signal transducer activity Function Known Explain
8 protein transport Function Known Explain
9 Ion Transport Function Known Explain
10 Golgi Apparatus Component Known Explain
11 endosomal lumen acidification Function Inferred Explain
12 acidification Function Inferred Explain
13 vacuolar acidification Function Inferred Explain
14 lysosomal lumen acidification Function Inferred Explain
15 Signal Transduction Function Known Explain
16 regulation of intracellular pH Function Inferred Explain
17 VDAC3 gene Gene Inferred Explain
18 VDAC2 gene Gene Inferred Explain
19 regulation of phosphate transport Function Inferred Explain
20 modification by symbiont of host anion transport Function Inferred Explain
21 trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane Component Inferred Explain
22 SLC17A3 gene Gene Inferred Explain
23 Porin, eukaryotic type Domain Inferred Explain
24 SLC12A5 gene Gene Inferred Explain
25 regulation of anion channel activity Function Inferred Explain
26 VDAC1 gene Gene Inferred Explain
27 COPI coated vesicle membrane Component Inferred Explain
28 anion channel activity Function Inferred Explain
29 regulation of L-glutamate transport Function Inferred Explain
30 regulation of ion transport Function Inferred Explain
31 Membrane Component Known Explain
32 TOMM40L gene Gene Inferred Explain
33 ZDHHC13 gene Gene Inferred Explain
34 ARFGAP1 gene Gene Inferred Explain
35 integral to membrane Component Known Explain
36 CSPG5 gene Gene Inferred Explain
37 ZDHHC17 gene Gene Inferred Explain
38 TOMM40 gene Gene Inferred Explain
39 voltage-gated chloride channel activity Function Inferred Explain
40 Cytoplasmic vesicle membrane Component Inferred Explain
41 modulation by symbiont of host intracellular transport Function Inferred Explain
42 GJA1 gene Gene Inferred Explain
43 Golgi membrane Component Inferred Explain
44 voltage-gated ion channel activity Function Inferred Explain
45 regulation of anion channel activity by blue light Function Inferred Explain
46 negative regulation of anion channel activity Function Inferred Explain
47 intracellular pH elevation Function Inferred Explain
48 CLCN3 gene Gene Inferred Explain
49 Transport vesicle membrane Component Inferred Explain
50 regulation of cellular pH Function Inferred Explain
51 AQP11 gene Gene Inferred Explain
52 regulation of pH Function Inferred Explain
53 CANT1 gene Gene Inferred Explain
54 RASSF9 gene Gene Inferred Explain
55 GOLGA8B gene Gene Inferred Explain
56 Pore Component Inferred Explain
57 SLC9A8 gene Gene Inferred Explain
58 ROS1 gene Gene Inferred Explain
59 CLN3 gene Gene Inferred Explain
60 Chondroitin N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase Domain Inferred Explain
61 CHPF2 gene Gene Inferred Explain
62 regulation of ion transmembrane transporter activity Function Inferred Explain
63 Golgi to ER transport vesicle membrane Component Inferred Explain
64 inter-Golgi transport vesicle membrane Component Inferred Explain
65 coated vesicle membrane Component Inferred Explain
66 ATP6V1B1 gene Gene Inferred Explain
67 clathrin coated vesicle membrane Component Inferred Explain
68 GOLPH3L gene Gene Inferred Explain
69 CLN5 gene Gene Inferred Explain
70 ATP6V0E2 gene Gene Inferred Explain
71 negative regulation of anion channel activity by blue light Function Inferred Explain
72 TMED2 gene Gene Inferred Explain
73 ATP4A gene Gene Inferred Explain
74 ATP6V0E1 gene Gene Inferred Explain
75 CLN6 gene Gene Inferred Explain
76 YIPF5 gene Gene Inferred Explain
77 GOLGA1 gene Gene Inferred Explain
78 ATP6V1H gene Gene Inferred Explain
79 B4GALNT3 gene Gene Inferred Explain
80 positive regulation of L-glutamate transport Function Inferred Explain
81 Transmembrane Transport Function Inferred Explain
82 GGTA1 gene Gene Inferred Explain
83 FUT11 gene Gene Inferred Explain
84 GAL3ST2 gene Gene Inferred Explain
85 GOLT1B gene Gene Inferred Explain
86 Alpha-(1,6)-fucosyltransferase, eukaryotic type Domain Inferred Explain
87 B4GALNT4 gene Gene Inferred Explain
88 FGF23 gene Gene Inferred Explain
89 regulation of glutamate uptake during transmission of nerve impulse Function Inferred Explain
90 negative regulation of L-glutamate transport Function Inferred Explain
91 porin activity Function Inferred Explain
92 GOLIM4 gene Gene Inferred Explain
93 ST6GAL2 gene Gene Inferred Explain
94 FUT7 gene Gene Inferred Explain
95 GOLGA8A gene Gene Inferred Explain
96 COG3 gene Gene Inferred Explain
97 FUT5 gene Gene Inferred Explain
98 FUT10 gene Gene Inferred Explain
99 FUT6 gene Gene Inferred Explain
100 B4GALT5 gene Gene Inferred Explain